Monday, September 4, 2017

Sorry, I'm a little late, Thank you to Jacee Hughes for helping me get caught up!
Here is August 21:

Well I’m in Uruguay! I left the MTC at 4:50am by myself because I took my companion to the travel office at 3:30 that morning so that was interesting. I traveled to the airport on some busses and trains then grabbed some cafe rio at the airport and hopped on a plane to Atlanta, chilled there for little over 6 hours and bumped into a bunch of missionaries from my zone going to 'Tina (Argentina) that was really cool. I then flew to Sao Paulo Brazil was there for like 2 hours then got on a plane to Montevideo as soon as I landed President Eddy and his wife and the AP's were there waiting for me. I was the 5th trip to the airport and the last. We went to the mission home and I met all the people I was supposed to be with in mexico... oops.... oh well... I then had a little orientation and had a interview with the boss man that apparently everyone else had the day before or earlier that morning because everyone got there early early or the previous day except me. The next day I met with my trainer named Elder Christensen from Kentucky. He's super super nice to me probably too nice. We share a casa with 2 other elder's, Elder Vera  and Elder Guarniz (he's new like me) they're both from Peru super cool and funny. We had some chats with some people that day and we have a couple people with baptismal dates one which is in September and some in December which is awesome. We did some street contacting and taught a lesson in the park which was awesome but then we found out later when we tried to find their house that they actually live in the Montevideo West Mission so we had to call the elder's there and tell them about so idk what's going on with them anymore. Saturday and Sunday we had quite a bit of bad luck trying to find people but we've been meeting with quite a lot of less actives which has been awesome. One of them came to church one Sunday where I had to bear my testimony which lasted about a solid 40 seconds 30 if I wouldn't have stuttered. Here's the weird thing that happened to me though. That less active that came to church, well when we met with them we were just trying to share a scripture and invite them to church and dip, but while we were trying to read they were feeding this weird bread stuff, that wasn't too bad actually, and some cola but then when we got done reading I sniffled a little because this country is super humid so my nose isn't used to it yet and one of them bolt's out of his chair to grabs this nasal spray and comes back and the mom walks over to me, grabs my head tilts it back, and dumps more than half of it in my nose. I don't know what moonshine taste or feels like but that's what I imagine it's like. So after that I try to bear my testimony about prayer and I get about half way through it and this lady (their sister) kicks open the door and starts giving us this weird pannukakku (german pancake) with ham in it. Let me just paint you the scene, I'm trying to bear my testimony with moonshine drink dripping from my nose because I unwillingly snorted the better half of a shot of it while being force fed pannukakku ham in a small weird house in Uruguay and i'm doing this while speaking really bad Spanish. But she came to church the next day which was awesome! Oh and earlier that day some random man kissed my cheek. So that's what the first few days here have been like and it's been awesome. We had a zone activity this morning where we ate some pizza and played dodgeball. It's been super baller! Here's some pics.
first pic is me and my travel group eating some cafe rio

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