Monday, July 3, 2017

Welcome church goers and non church goers!

     Okay nerds, this is gonna be my blog that my mom is gonna be running. If there are times that you don't hear from me, blame her. Saying that, please be nice to her! She's old and not very tech savvy. JK  mom love you <3
     I report to the Provo MTC on July 5th. Originally I was supposed to go to the Mexico MTC on the 4th, but my visa didn't come in time :/ but I'm sure the lord has a reason for me to be going to Provo instead of Mexico! I've heard of missionaries going to an MTC and then switching half way through, so we'll see.  I'll keep you all posted!
     That's all for right now folks! I need to go get ready. I have a lot of packing and shopping to do! XD


  1. Hey! As Mark so eloquently mentioned, I'm old and not very tech savvy, so until I learn the right way to post, I will have to post as comment.

  2. So we took Mark up to Provo to the MTC on Wednesday. It was hard to say good bye. One thing that helped was his happy positive attitude. I sure miss him, but I'm so pleased to see him so happy about an opportunity to serve his Heavenly Father knowing that it is going to be really challenging at times. I know the joy will outweigh the difficulties. Mark is truly a kingdom builder. He will "Scatter Sunshine" where ever he goes. He has been a ray of sunshine in our family since the day he was born!

  3. We received a brief email from Mark right after he got there:
    I'm not dead. The MTC is a party! Its also incredibly hard! My P- days are Saturdays so that's when I'll be hitting you guys up again! My companions name is Elder Findlay! Lol, like Finland. I love you guys so much and I'm loving it here!

    Love, Elder Helske!
